You can picture it, right? Your grandmother’s recipe card for flaky Buttermilk Biscuits. The handwritten recipe card has a light dusting of flour, the top right corner has a tear in it and there’s a coffee stain on the front… and back. The card is priceless not only because it was your grandmother’s, but because it is tried and true. She’s marked through “1 tsp” and written in “2,” she added a note to freeze the butter for 20 minutes and to use ice cold buttermilk. It’s the recipe testing over and over that has now given you the recipe that you know will give you the flaky, buttery biscuits you’re looking for.
Perspective First, Plan Second
The thing about a recipe, it’s really just a plan. You can devise the perfect plan on paper, but until you try it and test it, you can’t know if it’s going to give you the desired results. Developing an action plan with LifePlan is no different. We spend up to 70% of our time “recipe testing” or getting perspective. The temptation is to begin with the planning and devise the most efficient process to get you from Point A to Point B. With LifePlan, we’re after perspective. By looking at every area of your life – your origin story, your current reality, how you think, what you’re passionate about, what you simply love doing; then we look at how that relates to each domain of your life – personal, family, vocation, and community. Once we have a holistic perspective, we work together to develop your plan to achieve your goals.
I’m not here to tell you what you should do with your life. As your LifePlan Guide, I am here to guide you through the process of “recipe testing” as we discover and develop your LifePlan together. I have been through the LifePlan process myself and am so grateful for the clarity and perspective it continues to give me in my life. If you’re ready, let’s get perspective together. Click the link below to schedule your consultation.